
Salt Lake City,  UT 
United States
  • Booth: 1310

NextGrad is North America’s largest out-of-home high school network & has the only exclusive Jesuit private school network. We place digital screens and vinyl posters inside high schools allowing institutions to effectively reach their exact target student demographic. This hyper-targeted advertising allows your institution to reach students, counselors, administrators, and many others where they spend most of their time. NextGrad’s Growing Network Has: 1,000+ High Schools 1,400,000+ Students 4,900,000+ Daily Impressions Why is our out-of-home network effective? 1. You will reach a hyper-targeted audience 2. The NextGrad network guarantees impressions 3. We engage youth in schools when education is top of mind 4. Show prospective why they should invest the next four years with your institution! 5. You are able to run 2 ads per month or 18 unique opportunities throughout an academic year! 6. A great ROI! NextGrad is the most affordable marketing and advertising spend in the market. 7. NextGrad places your institution front and center with high schools students to build your brand awareness and share your story! 8. On average, each student sees our college billboards 3.5 times per day.