EF Study Abroad

Cambridge,  MA 
United States
  • Booth: 904

At EF Study Abroad, we understand that the higher education landscape is full of opportunities—and obstacles—for colleges and universities. That’s why we partner with institutions to create first year-abroad experiences that offer unique learning experiences for students while alleviating three major challenges for our college and university partners: - Attracting the best students 
in a competitive market - Retaining students throughout ​
their degree completion ​​ - Optimizing enrollment and 
​capacity management​ Our EF Foundation Programs are designed with the specific needs of first-year students in mind, preparing students to thrive in college and beyond. Each thoughtfully crafted itinerary is interdisciplinary in nature, offering relevant learning opportunities across multiple majors in one of six vibrant global locations. In addition to courses at world-class international partner universities, all EF Foundation Programs include an EF-led course focused on developing future-ready competencies created in collaboration with Dr. David Wick, an unmatched safety and support apparatus, and relevant field excursions designed to enhance the impact of your students' educational experience. Visit us at Booth #904 to learn more about how these unique and innovative first-year-abroad programs from the world leader in international education can fit into your institution's strategic plans.