Ochsner Health System

Metairie,  LA 
United States
  • Booth: 903

For accessible, affordable, comprehensive care for your employees, choose Ochsner. Ochsner offers solutions to meet your specific needs and challenges. Nationwide, healthcare coverage is the largest employee-related expense for employers. If your goal is to provide the best care experience at the lowest costs for your employees, it's nearly impossible to achieve this with open network products. At Ochsner, we have a comprehensive solution to lowering those costs. Employers and their employees benefit from our lower-cost, high-quality care network; employee and executive wellness programs; occupational health services; telehealth and digital capabilities; on-site clinics and opportunities for managing chronic disease that can help prevent catastrophic and costly illnesses.

Ochsner healthcare solutions keep costs down, boost employee wellness and workforce productivity, and integrate services to offer accessible, high-quality, convenient care. These solutions include:

  • Accountable Care Networks
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Occupational Health Services
  • Telehealth
  • On-Site Clinics
  • Digital Medicine & Chronic Disease Management

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