Be Heard with a Powerful Voice

  • Room: Virtual
Tuesday,June 07, 2022:3:00 PM -4:00 PM
/ CEU Credits:1


Cynthia Zhai
Professional Speaker (CSP), Voice Coach and Best-Selling Author


As a female leader, you may find yourself working hard to command attention and respect, especially from your male peers. You may often be interrupted and not taken seriously. When you try to speak up to be heard, you notice your voice going high-pitched or shouting. When you get emotional, your voice may tremble and lose the composure you want to project. Your voice has put you in disadvantage. You don't have to live with a voice that doesn't work for you. The voice you were born with can be changed, without changing who you are. In this interactive session, you'll discover the secrets to a powerful voice that makes people listen to you, trust you and respect you. You'll learn a step-by-step process that helps you develop an authoritative yet authentic voice that reflects the best version of you.


Exporter Choices

1. Learning Objective 1:
Master your voice projection to command attention and respect

2. Learning Objective 2:
Develop your powerful voice to convey credibility and certainty

3. Learning Objective 3:
Project a voice that conveys calmness in the time of emotional stress

4. Target Audience:

6. Prerequisites *:
Lead a team or in a leadership role

Please select your session type::
Interactive Presentation and Group Discussions

  • Intermediate

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