Paradigm Medical Systems - Model-Med International

Portland,  OR 
United States
  • Booth: 1134

Specialists in OB/GYN sim

Exclusive North American distributors of MODEL-med OB/GYN task trainers. Bring incredible tactile realism to your simulations with accurate internal anatomy and dynamic accessories. Remarkable polymer elasticity and durability coupled with the rigidity of accurate internal skeletal structures creates an unparalleled experience, enabling the lifelike application of complex maneuvers.

MODEL-med customers find these unique products produce a level of realism that creates a top-quality training experience for learners.

Brands: SOPHIE AND HER MUM – Full Birth Trainer LUCY AND HER MUM – Instrumental Delivery Trainer CHARLIE AND HIS MUM – OB Trainer GYNECOLOGICAL TRAINER- 7 various uteri