PRCO America Inc.

Hickory,  KY 
United States
  • Booth: 2925


PRCO America Inc. is US company incorporated in Pennsylvania in 2008 to make and sell refractories to iron and steelmakers in the USA. PRCO America Inc. is part of the Puyang Refractories Group, one of the top ten largest refractory producers in the world. PRCO owns and produces a comprehensive range of refractory bricks and specialties including slide gate systems, alumina graphite isostatic pressed products, nozzles, precast shapes and monolithics. Since 2022, our US production facility in Kentucky produces magnesia carbon brick for EAF and Ladle, reshoring US jobs previously lost to overseas competition. We use PRCO’s unique, higher purity raw materials for less wear per heat in most critical areas. PRCO is self-sufficient in and a provider of raw materials in North America.

Brands: MgO Magnesia-Carbon Magnesia-Alumina-Carbon Alumina-Magnesia-Carbon Alumina-Carbon Alumina Magnesia-Chrome Zirconia Alumina Spinel Alumina Chrome


  • PRCO Endless Carbon Free Ladle Linings
    Robotic applied shotcrete reduces refractory consumption by 6-10 tons per ladle and eliminates carbon in the refractory for LOWEST refractory cost per ton of steel produced. ...

  • PRCO NuMag MgO-C Refractory Bricks
    Made in USA uses unique higher purity MgO for less wear per heat in EAF and Ladle for longer EAF & Ladle life, cleaner steel quality and LOWEST refractory cost per ton of steel....

If you have questions please contact or (724) 814-3000 ext. 2