Jiaozuo Zhongzhou Carbon Co., Ltd

Jiaozuo,  Henan 
PR China
  • Booth: 1374


RP 、HP、UHP graphite electrodes and graphite blocks and CPC and Lithium battery anode material

 Show Specials

  • (Apr 04, 2024)
    Graphite electrode is mainly used in electric arc furnace smelting in steel mills., in the process of steelmaking as a conductor plays a key role.

 Press Releases

  • Graphite electrode is mainly used in electric arc furnace smelting in steel mills., in the process of steelmaking as a conductor plays a key role.


  • Graphite Electrodes
    Graphite electrode is mainly used in electric arc furnace smelting in steel mills., in the process of steelmaking as a conductor plays a key role....

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