Make sure to save your work as you go. Or make sure to have your proposal info backed up in a separate document, in case your computer freezes. 

Welcome to the ANC 2022 call for proposals system:

  1. If you have spoken at SNA’s annual conference in the past three years, you may already have a pre-loaded profile. Click the retrieve password link at the bottom of the page to check if you are already in the system.
  2. If you do not already have a pre-loaded profile, click here to create a new account.
  3. At any time between now and October 15, 2021, you may log back in to modify your proposal.

User Login

Log In
Please enter your Email and Password to log in.

Forgot your password?

No worries.  We can retrieve your password.

Once you click "save and submit", you will receive this confirmation page, and the proposal status will change to "submitted".
For technical support on this webpage, please contact support.