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Schio,  VI 
  • Booth: 2722

SKILL GLASS is an Italian company specialized in the manufacture and design of high technology numerical control machines for the processing of flat sheet glass, which, combined with special software with dedicated functions and modern and functional design, are simple and quick to use.

DRILL  1600 is a 5-axis CNC drilling machine designed for producing holes, inserts and countersinks on rectangular flat sheet glass with a thickness of 3-20 mm. The machine is composed of five axes, X Y V Z W, and two electro-spindles which, as opposite drilling heads, create a double-sided drilling system that drills perfect holes.

SKILL E-D is a vertical CNC centre for grinding, milling, drilling and polishing rectangular and shaped flat sheet glass. The machine can process both rectilinear and shaped flat sheet glass and combines all the technology for vertical drilling and milling with the features of a vertical grinding machine. Its main feature is its versatility, which allows for different types of processes at high speeds and optimal precision.

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