
Mississauga,  ON 
  • Booth: 1452


WP Innova developed and manufactures the ultimate protection for your high-value metal, Panaceawrap.

It's unparallel strength, tear and abrasion resistance is a result of our patented process of laminating multiple films and reinforcing layers along with anti-corrosive and anti-propagation materials. Our one step process adds packaging efficiency and a better ROI.

Our strength lies in our experienced people and their understanding of each unique steel mills operational challenges.

Working with our clients, our team develops custom solutions for each specific operation, to include branding of your product for maximum awareness and impact. We also provide on site training, service, and shuttle maintenance and access to our R&D team to continually refine your solutions. At WP Innova you WILL have a valuable partner.

Don't your products deserve a customized solution? That's our objective. If yours is the same, we should talk.

If you have questions please contact sales@aist.org or (724) 814-3000 ext. 2