Consero Inc.

Henrico,  VA 
United States
  • Booth: 1303


Consero provides specialty sensing and measurement systems including: Proxitron Pyrometers & Sensors, Lyncis Material Analyzers for DRI, and absolute Encoders. Consero also provides installation services in the mill.


  • Material Analyzer
    Consero provides the Lyncis brand Material analyzer. This laser-based analyzer does not use radiation. It is used in DRI pellet manaufacturing....

  • Pyrometer
    Consero provides the Proxitron brand of pyrometers and inductive sensors. ...

  • Pyrometer
    Consero is the US Partner of Proxitron, a leading Pyrometer manufacturer. We stock over 50 line Proxitron line items in Viriginia....

  • Material Analyzer
    Consero is the US Partner of Lyncis. Lyncis designs and manufacturers a laser based inline material analyzer for DRI pellet production. A laser - not Californium - is used. ...

If you have questions please contact or (724) 814-3000 ext. 2