Square Set Metals Recruiting, LLC

United States
  • Booth: 1654

Want the top talent in metals? We have what you need!


Square Set Metals Recruiting, LLC is a firm specializing in Steel & Metals that goes above and beyond to understand the needs of the Hiring Manager, Team, and Organization in order to make the process highly personalized and effective. When you partner with Square Set Metals Recruitment Services, you never have to spend your valuable time educating a Recruiter or a New Hire about your product or industry. Square Set Metals will identify, evaluate, and present highly-qualified, top-performing Candidates who will not only be a cultural fit to your team but additive to your Company’s bottom line. Finding the Right Candidate ensures your success. Working with you to Get the Right People for the Right Positions is what Square Set Metals does best.

Brands: C Suite Executives/VPs/General Managers/Plant Managers/Operations Managers/Sales Managers/Inside and Outside Sales Representatives/Rolling Mill Managers/Melt Shop Managers/Maintenance Managers/Day and Shift Managers-Supervisors/Metallurgists

If you have questions please contact sales@aist.org or (724) 814-3000 ext. 2