Bloom Engineering Company, Inc.

Charleroi,  PA 
United States
  • Booth: 1417

Custom engineered industrial burners and combustion systems


Bloom Engineering enables the long-term success of our customers by providing combustion products, systems, and services that help them achieve optimal productivity, efficiency, and environmental performance. Our professional staff members have industry-leading expertise in the processes that commonly use our products. We help our customers reduce CO2 and NOX, convert to sustainable fuel sources, increase production capacity, improve temperature uniformity, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance operating flexibility. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, USA since 1934, Bloom Engineering serves its global customers from subsidiaries in Germany, India, and China.

Brands: 1020 Series Cold Air, 1200 Series Hot Air, 1500L Ultra Low NOx, 1500S Ultra Low NOx, 1600 Series High Velocity, 1530 FlexNOx Ultra Low NOx, 1610 Cyclops, 1150 Ultra Low NOx Lumiflame, 1650 Regenerative Cyclops, 1130 BlastoFlame, 1360 Uni-Heat

If you have questions please contact or (724) 814-3000 ext. 2